Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Governor signs Burns bill to preserve in-state tuition for students of reassigned military families

Governor signs Burns bill to preserve in-state tuition for students of reassigned military families

New law will help bring peace of mind for those who serve

HARRISBURG, Nov. 9 – Legislation introduced by state Rep. Frank Burns and recently signed by the governor will preserve an important financial benefit for students of military families who enroll in Pennsylvania’s public colleges and universities.

Act 14 of 2023 will ensure that students who enroll in the state’s public postsecondary schools do not lose the benefit of the in-state tuition rate if their military parent is deployed out of state between the time the student accepts admission and the start of their first semester.

“Military families make huge sacrifices, including having to leave the comfort and stability of the communities they love when they are deployed out of state,” Burns said. “But a student whose family is reassigned should not have to forfeit the benefit of the in-state tuition rate they anticipated because their parent is fulfilling their duty to our country.

“The commonwealth has taken an important step to preserve that benefit by enacting my bill that guarantees in-state tuition rates to military families as soon as a student enrolls or registers, even if their military parent is later deployed out of state. It’s a commonsense way to provide some peace of mind and predictability for these families who give up so much to ensure the rest of us live in peace and freedom.”