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Pennsylvania Department of Economic Development: Keystone Communities Program

Who May Apply: Units of local government, redevelopment and/or housing authorities, nonprofit organizations to include economic development organizations, housing corporations, etc., community development corporations, business improvement districts, neighborhood improvement districts, and similar organizations incorporated as authorities.

Use: Multiple uses, including:

  • Planning grants (address a particular need or circumstance within a community, undertake a study relevant to an identified need, or study the results of implementing a specific activity)
  • Implementation grants (assist designated KC program communities in implementing critical components of their approved Five-Year Strategy)
  • Façade grants (to stimulate private investment in properties, foster an attractive environment, and preserve the architectural heritage of properties and communities. The grant funds may be used for primary street-facing, exterior building improvements in a defined target area of a downtown or neighborhood such as storefront signs, exterior façade painting, design assistance, etc.)
  • Development grants (available to fund a variety of physical improvements, see program guidelines for full list)
  • Public improvement grants (available to assist communities in a variety of development projects to help eliminate decline, provide gap financing for proposed projects, and assist in emergency efforts to recover from a natural disaster.)
  • Accessible housing grants (available to undertake accessibility improvements to housing units for people with permanent physical disabilities in order to allow the individuals to reside in their current home rather than an institution or to return to the community from an institution.)

Application deadline: August 31, 2023

More info: DCED Website

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: Rail Transportation Assistance Program & Rail Freight Assistance Program

Who May Apply: Railroad companies, transportation organizations, municipalities, municipal authorities, or users of rail freight infrastructure.

Use: Funding will support capital maintenance of freight or intermodal rail infrastructure, such as restoring, improving, or maintaining existing railroad lines, or capital construction of freight or intermodal rail infrastructure, such as acquisition and construction of track, ties, rail, plates, turnouts, other track materials, and/or ballast.

Application Deadline: September 1, 2023

More information: PennDOT Website

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Legal Standing Video Project

Who May Apply: Eligibility of these funds is open to any potential applicant who can produce this video.

Use: The goal and objective of the Legal Standing Video Project is to develop a 8-10-minute video that will be used to educate law enforcement, district attorneys, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges on what legal standing is, what their responsibilities are, and what to do if a victim believes that their rights have been violated.

Funding: A total of $30,000 in federal Victims of Crime Act will support this initiative. PCCD expects to award one grant with a budget not to exceed $30,000.

Application Deadline: September 8, 2023

More information: PCCD Website

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Regional Policing Assistance Program

Who May Apply: Applicants for the Regional Policing Assistance Program may be any municipality – a city, borough, township, home-rule municipality, or county. Applicants may also be a public or quasi-public body, or its representative, duly authorized to act on behalf of one or more municipalities. All applications must be accompanied by fully executed Articles of Agreement or an Intergovernmental Agreement that establishes a Regional Police Department.

Use: Funding will support efforts in establishing or expanding regional police departments that would improve the following: uniformity and consistency of enforcement across municipalities; recruitment; distribution and deployment of police personnel; training and personnel efficiency; career enhancement opportunities; enhanced professionalism; and reduction of costs.
Funds: A total of approximately $1,000,000 in federal funds is being announced to support this initiative. Applicants may apply for up to $150,000 for the formation of a new regional police department or up to $50,000 for the expansion of an existing regional police department by adding a chartered municipality(ies).

Application Deadline: September 6, 2023

More information: PCCD Website

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: COVID Mitigation for Counties

Who May Apply: This funding is available to 66 Pennsylvania counties. Each county’s Criminal Justice Advisory Board will be responsible for coordinating the application for their county and local confinement facilities, as funding is limited to that purpose.

Use: Per the requirements of the CDC’s award, this grant has 15 allowable activities which are designed to detect, diagnose, trace, and monitor SARS–CoV–2 and COVID–19 infections, and mitigate the spread of COVID–19 in confinement facilities. These activities include hiring personnel related to testing/mitigation efforts, purchasing laboratory equipment used for COVID-19 testing, purchasing supplies, test kits, and other tools related to rapid identification of COVID-19, contracting with testing agencies, purchasing software and technology to track COVID-19, and other related activities.

Funds: A total of $9,624,626 is available to 66 counties.

Application Deadline: September 19, 2023

More information: PCCD Website

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: 2024-25 Medical Marijuana Act Enforcement

Who May Apply: Eligibility for these funds is open to municipalities and regional police departments proposing to implement projects and programs that address the enforcement of the Medical Marijuana Act.

Use: Funds for the proposed program may be used to support the following or other activities that would assist departments in enforcing this law:

  1. Drug Recognition Experts Training
  2. Education, training, and awareness programs
  3. Examples of Other Enforcement Activities
  • Reimbursement of overtime costs for required court appearances by law enforcement officers related to medical marijuana cases;
  • Pilot data-sharing projects for multi-jurisdictions to collect and share data relating to the enforcement of the Medical Marijuana Act;
  • Strategies to combat the distribution of medical marijuana to unauthorized persons.

Funds: PCCD expects to fund 15-20 grants with budgets not to exceed $300,000 over the two-year project period.

Application Deadline: September 21, 2023

More information: PCCD Website

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Statewide Human Trafficking Resources Coordination Project

Who May Apply: Eligibility for these funds is open to any Pennsylvania-based non-profit organization, including colleges and universities, and state and local government agencies. Applicants must:

a) Demonstrate subject matter expertise in the field of human trafficking including leading efforts to collaborate with a broad range of providers and stakeholders to support trauma-informed, victim-centered responses to victims of all types of human trafficking.

b) Have significant and recent experience working with local, state, and/or federal organizations/agencies in developing training, technical assistance, and resources related to victims of all types of human trafficking for first responders in healthcare, criminal justice, public safety, victim service, and allied professionals.

c) Have experience developing and maintaining informational websites for a diverse user audience.

Use: PCCD aims to award one grant to a non-profit, governmental, or higher education organization to act as Pennsylvania’s Human Trafficking Resource for coordination of information, training, and resources. The entity will work with an advisory group to:

a) identify and assess existing training and resources relevant to the crime of human trafficking, organize these materials in a meaningful way, and then place them on a publicly available website for users throughout Pennsylvania;

b) Develop and post on the website new training and resources relevant to the crime of human trafficking, as needed to meet emerging needs identified by the field;

c) develop training on Human Trafficking for first responders and allied stakeholders;

d) develop technical assistance materials on Human Trafficking for victim advocates, legal providers and immigration services.

Funds: PCCD expects to fund one grant with a budget not to exceed $250,000 over a 30-month project period.

Application deadline: September 25, 2023

More information: PCCD Website

Environmental Protection Agency: Solar for All

Who May Apply: States, municipalities, tribal governments, or eligible non-profit recipients.

Use: The Solar for All competition will fund applicants applying to expand existing or develop new Solar for All programs. A Solar for All program is a program that ensures low-income households have access to residential rooftop and residential-serving community solar energy, often through providing financial support and other incentives.
Funds: The EPA anticipates awarding up to 60 awards for a total of $7,000,000,000.

Application Deadline: September 26, 2023.

More information: EPA Website

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: 2023 NCA Member Child Advocacy Centers

Who May Apply: Eligibility of these funds is open to all National Children’s Alliance accredited, associate, affiliate, and accredited satellite Children’s Advocacy Centers as of May 23, 2023.

Use: Funds for the proposed program may be used to support any, all, or one of the following:

a. Funding to support compliance with NCA standards;

b. Training specifically to improve the work of the CAC in order to apply for and achieve accreditation/reaccreditation;

c. Equipment necessary to support or advance NCA standards of accreditation.

Funds: A total of $1.927 million in state funds will support this initiative. PCCD expects to fund 41 non-competitive one-year grants with budgets not to exceed $47,000.

Application Deadline: September 29, 2023

More information: PCCD Website

Commonwealth Financing Authority: Local Share Account Category 4 Facilities (Berks, Cumberland, Westmoreland, & York Counties)

Who May Apply: Municipalities, counties, redevelopment authorities, or economic development agencies located within a county hosting a Category 4 licensed gaming facility.

Use: Projects in the public interest that improve the quality of life of citizens in the community.

Funds: Funding is distributed from gaming revenues from Category 4 licensed facilities.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2023

More information: DCED Website

Commonwealth Financing Authority: Local Share Account Monroe County

Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development agencies or redevelopment authorities within Monroe County or one of the five contiguous counties to Monroe (Carbon, Lackawanna, Northampton, Pike, and Wayne).

Use: Public interest projects, community improvement projects, economic development projects, or roadway improvement projects.

Funds: Funding is distributed from gaming revenues from licensed facilities in Monroe County.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2023

More information: DCED Website

Commonwealth Financing Authority: Local Share Account Luzerne County

Who May Apply: All Luzerne County municipalities or the Luzerne County Redevelopment Authority.

Use: Projects in the public interest that improve the quality of life of citizens in the community.

Funds: Funding is distributed from gaming revenues from licensed facilities in Luzerne County.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2023

More information: DCED Website

Commonwealth Financing Authority: Local Share Account Northampton & Lehigh Counties

Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development agencies or redevelopment authorities within Northampton and Lehigh Counties

Use: Public interest projects, community improvement projects, and economic development projects.

Funds: Funding is distributed from gaming revenues from licensed facilities in Northampton & Lehigh Counties.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2023

More information: DCED Website

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency: Housing Options Grant Program

Who May ApplyNon-profits and developers.

Use: To help continue affordable housing production in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Funds: $100 million in total program funding.  

Application DeadlineAll grants should be awarded no later than December 31, 2024. All funds must be expended by December 31, 2026.

More Information: PHFA Website

Pennsylvania Office of the State Fire Commissioner: Fire and Emergency Medical Services Loan Program

Who May ApplyFire and emergency medical services companies.

Use: To support the acquisition, rehabilitation, or improvement of apparatuses, facilities, and equipment.

Funds: Loans up to $486,000.  

Application Deadline: Rolling application.

More Information: OSFC Website

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Nonprofit Security Grant Fund Program

Who May Apply: Applicant must be a nonprofit organization based in the Commonwealth designated as a 501(c)(3) and principally serve individuals, groups, or institutions that are included within a bias motivation category for single bias hate crime incidents identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its Hate Crime Statistics Publication under the Uniform Crime Reporting program. The categories include:

  • Race/ethnicity/ancestry;
  • Religion;
  • Sexual orientation;
  • Disability;
  • Gender; and
  • Gender identity.

Use: Act 83 contains a list of eligible security enhancements designed to protect the safety and security of the users of a facility located in the Commonwealth that is owned or operated by a nonprofit organization. Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to, safety and security planning, purchase of safety and security equipment, purchase of security related technology (metal detectors, protective lighting, deadbolts, etc.), safety and security training, upgrades to existing structures that enhance safety and security, and more.

Funds: $5 million has been appropriated by the General Assembly to the Nonprofit Security Grant Fund. Applicant requests must be between $5,000 and $150,000.

Application Deadline: October 10, 2023

More information: PCCD Website