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Freeman: Easton water project receives $3.3 million state investment

HARRISBURG, Jan. 25 – The Easton Suburban Water Authority was awarded almost $3.3 million in state assistance this week, according to state Rep. Robert Freeman.

“This project will reduce unaccounted-for water loss and potential health impacts related to elevated lead levels for the people living in these areas,” said Freeman, D-Northampton. “The improvements will enhance the authority's ability to operate and maintain the system and increase the reliability of service.”

The authority received a $1.1 million grant and a $2.2 million low-interest loan to replace up to an estimated 195 lead or galvanized steel lines in Easton’s eastern South Side (Charles, Folk, James, Lachenour, Madison, and St. Joseph streets and adjacent areas) and western South Side (Grant, Iron, Milton, Valley, and Williams streets and adjacent areas).

The Easton funding is part of a $194.3 million investment for 28 drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and non-point source projects across 20 counties announced Wednesday through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority.