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Liquor bills going to governor’s desk for signature

HARRISBURG, Dec. 14 – Three bills that will promote economic growth, oversight and business opportunities within the state liquor system were sent to the governor for his signature, according to the PA House Liquor Control Committee chair, state Rep. Dan Deasy.  


“The committee strives to connect businesses and liquor laws in a productive and nonrestrictive way,” Deasy, D-Allegheny, said. “We are always looking for that balance of oversight but supporting growth in the industry within the commonwealth.” 


Deasy said the bills will do that by:  


  • Shortening the process to transfer a liquor license when unforeseen circumstances arise, which gives licensees the opportunity to return to business rather than remain in bureaucratic limbo. House Bill 38 is sponsored by state Rep. Marci Mustello, R-Butler. 


  • Helping to convert some hotel licenses to expand businesses and create tourism and economic opportunities for the industry across the commonwealth by giving restaurants and taverns more flexibility in their businesses. It will also create a legislative task force that will discuss the issue of “stop and go” businesses and find solutions for the Philadelphia communities in which they are located. House Bill 1096 is sponsored by state Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery. 


  • Allowing licensed restaurants continued flexibility to use off-premises catering, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic. This exception at the time helped keep some businesses afloat. Continuing to allow for this practice will provide businesses still struggling to catch up to pre-COVID-19 earnings. House Bill 1160 is sponsored by state Rep. Napoleon Nelson, D-Montgomery. 

The PA House Liquor Control Committee reviews and votes on legislation dealing with state liquor laws, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and enforcement in the commonwealth.