National Civil War Museum awarded $26,500 grant

HARRISBURG, Sept. 23 – The National Civil War Museum has been awarded a $26,500 Cultural and Historical Support Grant by the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission (PHMC), state Rep. Justin Fleming, D-Dauphin, announced today.

“The National Civil War Museum fosters awareness and understanding of this pivotal time in our nation’s history and its enduring legacy on our culture and society,” Fleming said. “I am glad that its critical work is being acknowledged and supported by this grant from the PHMC.”

The National Civil War Museum is a private nonprofit corporation with a mission to serve as a national center to inspire lifelong learning of the American Civil War. The museum is located in Reservoir Park and offers hands-on educational programming to the community. More information about the museum can be found at

The Cultural and Historical Support Grant Program’s aim is to strengthen Pennsylvania’s museum community by supporting the general operations of eligible museums and official county historical societies that are not supported by other state agency funding programs. An eligible museum must have an annual operating budget exceeding $100,000 (excluding capital and in-kind services) and at least one full-time professional staff person (or approved equivalent).

Funding for the program has increased by $2 million over previous years to better benefit Pennsylvania's historical resources.

Grants are awarded on a formula based on a percentage of the organization’s annual operating budget with a maximum grant of $62,000 and a minimum grant of $4,000.