House Children & Youth Committee approves Bullock bill increasing access to childhood vaccines

HARRISBURG, June 5 – The Pennsylvania House Children and Youth Committee today approved a bipartisan bill introduced by state Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., focused on protecting Pennsylvania’s youth by increasing access to childhood vaccines.

The bill (H.B. 2037) would reinstate parents’ option to seek routine childhood vaccines at the pharmacy by authorizing pharmacists to administer the full range of CDC-approved vaccines to children aged 5 and older — subject to current statutory requirements for pharmacy-based vaccines like parental consent, record keeping, training and protocols. It would allow pharmacy interns and trained pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines within a limited scope.

“We must provide options that are convenient and available to patients in places they already frequent, like pharmacies,” Bullock, chair of the House Children and Youth Committee, said. “By acting now, we can restore equitable access to pharmacy providers across the commonwealth.”

The bill will now head to the House floor to await a vote.