Briggs celebrates $2 million in funding for Life Sciences Campus
Rep. Tim Briggs November 21, 2022 | 11:25 AM
Upper Merion, Nov. 21 – State Rep. Tim Briggs, D-Montgomery, today announced a $2 million grant for Innovation 411, a life sciences, health care, and technology hub in Montgomery County. The grant supplements a previous award of $9.5 million for Discovery Labs, which includes Innovation 411 and the Center for Breakthrough Medicines.
“Discovery Labs is an exciting, transformational opportunity for our Commonwealth,” Briggs said. “As co-chair of the PA Legislative Life Sciences Caucus, I know the positive impact the Life Sciences has on our region and have been committed to making it even stronger. I’ve been active in bringing members of the legislature and the administration to tour and discuss the vision of Discovery Labs and am thankful that Governor Wolf has continued to make these investments.”
Innovation 411 is a 1-million-square-foot facility consisting of 14 state-of-the-art buildings that contain world-class Pharma quality FDA labs, cGMP Cell and Gene Therapy manufacturing, and Class A office and technology space.
The proposed project involves site preparation and infrastructure for the initial development of the Innovation 411 Plateau. The improvements will facilitate the development of four new life science buildings.
The scope of this project phase includes erosion and sediment controls, site grading, stormwater management, new utilities, concrete and paving, landscaping, site lighting, and traffic improvements.
“This will be a huge economic driver for Montgomery County, as well as a big push forward for health sciences everywhere,” Briggs said. “Innovation 411 is bringing high-paying jobs to our neighborhood while providing life-changing medicine and medical testing.”
Briggs said projects like this one can transform a region by encouraging ever-expanding industries, like medical infrastructure, to grow roots in locally. He said he wants to see more industries that offer high-quality careers base their operations in Montgomery County.