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Cephas announces grant for Overbrook Park enhancements

Philadelphia House Delegation praises expanded state Child and Dependent Care Enhancement Tax Credit

(Feb 15, 2024)

“Families shouldn’t have to choose between going to work and having quality care for a loved one, or have to work just to pay for care,” said Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas. “We fought and won for working families prioritizing this significant increase in the Child and Dependent Care Enhancement Tax Credit. I’m elated to know that so many families across Philadelphia will greatly benefit from this increase.” Read more


In a united front, state reps highlight new Pennsylvania budget priorities

(Feb 08, 2024)

"We understand that our budget serves as a moral compass, reflecting our society's priorities, and given the current state of Philadelphia, these discussions are crucial to our collective success as a city," Cephas said. Read more


Philly Dems say boost for SEPTA just one of highlights for city in Shapiro’s budget proposal

(Feb 08, 2024)

Rep. Morgan Cephas (D-Philadelphia), chairperson of the Philadelphia House Delegation said that the proposed $161 million increase in state funding to SEPTA, which would bring the state funding total to $1 billion, should be a “priority of everyone” in the state Legislature. She noted the city is slated to welcome the FIFA World Cup, the MLB All-Star Game, and the America 250 Celebration in 2026. Read more


PBMHC applauds Shapiro’s proposals for investments in maternal health care

(Feb 07, 2024)

“We applaud the governor for working with us to address this crisis so we may ensure all Pennsylvanians have access to equitable health care of the highest quality.” Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation encouraged by Shapiro Budget Proposal

(Feb 07, 2024)

Today, leaders of the Philadelphia House Delegation said that they are pleased with the direction of Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Among the many positives, the delegation is excited about the proposed investment in SEPTA and mass transit, as well as equitable education funding for the School District of Philadelphia. Read more


Cephas to hold senior heart health event Feb. 10

(Feb 05, 2024)

PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 5 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., is inviting the senior residents of her legislative district to a special event she’s co-hosting with Main Line Health to promote senior heart health during American Heart Month, held each February. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10 at the Calvary Baptist Church, 6122 Haverford Ave. “I encourage all of my senior constituents to join us for this heartwarming gathering, where they can expect engaging conversations about maintaining their heart health, receive valuable health information, enjoy a delicious meal and have the opportunity to connect with fellow seniors,” Cephas said. “This event is all about promoting healthy lifestyles for our wisest neighbors.” Cephas said the gathering is just one of many issue-based Senior Chat and Chew events she holds throughout the year. More information about the event and a variety of state-related programs and services available to district residents is available by calling her office at 215-879-6625. Read more


Winter 2024 Newsletter

(Feb 02, 2024)

Winter 2024 Newsletter Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation encouraged by public transit funding proposal

(Jan 29, 2024)

Today, leaders of the Philadelphia House Delegation said that they are encouraged by the announcement by Gov. Josh Shapiro that he will include a major investment in public transportation in his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Shapiro said that he will include a proposal to increase of the state’s share of public transit funding by 1.75%, which would be an investment of nearly $300 million into transit companies across the state. Read more


PA Black Maternal Health Caucus recognizes Maternal Health Awareness Day

(Jan 23, 2024)

“In observance of Maternal Health Awareness Day, we will continue our work to address Black maternal morbidity and mortality in Pennsylvania by reducing barriers and increasing access to quality and equitable care across the state,” Cephas said. “To do so, we will work to pass the PA MOMNIBUS, which will aim to decrease racial disparities in health care and address the social determinants of health. Through House Resolution 278, we begin our work to address the maternal health care crisis in Pennsylvania.” Read more


House Judiciary approves Cephas/Kenyatta bill to end ‘ghost guns’

(Jan 17, 2024)

Today, the PA House Judiciary Committee approved a measure sponsored by state Reps. Morgan Cephas and Malcolm Kenyatta, both D-Phila., aimed at ending the proliferation of “ghost guns” in Pennsylvania Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation commends appointment of Pedro Rosario, first ever Latino deputy police commissioner in the city

(Jan 12, 2024)

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 12 – Members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their satisfaction for the appointment of Pedro Rosario, a 29-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department who will serve as deputy commissioner of the department’s Kensington Initiative. “Winds of change keep blowing in Philadelphia and we cannot be more excited about the outcome,” said Rep. Morgan Cephas, chairwoman of the delegation. “Mayor Cherelle Parker started strong. She is not only vowing to fight the overdose crisis and the drug market in Kensington; Parker is taking the bull by the horns. The designation of Rosario to work on specific duties in Kensington is a bold action that has our wholehearted support,” she added. Rep. Jose Giral, who represents the180 th Legislative District in the Kensington area, is confident that Rosario will be an effective commissioner, based on Rosario’s expertise and solid credentials. Giral witnessed his work firsthand while Rosario was assigned to the 24 th Police District. “I have known Pedro Rosario for a long time. I met him while I was a member of the Police Advisory Commission and this conferred me the opportunity to work hand in hand with him and the 24 th Police District,” Giral said. “Rosario is boots on the ground from day one because he knows exactly all the particulars of the issues impacting our Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation celebrates state grants to reduce emissions from high-polluting trucks

(Jan 10, 2024)

Every Pennsylvanian has the right to be protected from the environmental and health harms caused by pollution, especially people in historically marginalized neighborhoods who have suffered under years of environmental injustice and where air quality is a significant health concern. I am delighted to see the state investing in cleaner energy and directing money where it is needed so that the city can build cleaner infrastructure and we all can breathe cleaner air. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation congratulates new city leaders

(Jan 03, 2024)

Today, leaders of the Philadelphia House Delegation expressed their excitement for the inauguration of Cherelle Parker as the first woman and 100th Philadelphian to serve as mayor of Philadelphia. Read more


McClinton, Cephas celebrate $225K in funding for ‘60th Street Spruce Up’

(Jan 02, 2024)

State House Speaker Joanna McClinton (D-191st Dist.) and Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Rep. Morgan Cephas (D- are applauding $225,000 in state funds being awarded to Achieveability, a neighborhood revitalization organization that has served West Philadelphia for more than 40 years. Read more


McClinton, Cephas celebrate $225K in funding for ‘60th Street Spruce Up’

(Dec 26, 2023)

State House Speaker Joanna McClinton and Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Rep. Morgan Cephas are applauding $225,000 in state funds being awarded to Achieveability, a neighborhood revitalization organization that has served west Philadelphia for more than 40 years. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation sends condolences following Chopper 6 crash

(Dec 20, 2023)

Delegation Chair state Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., said that the tragedy is felt across the region.“Our love and sympathy is sent to the families of the crew and to the 6abc family. News staff are part of the fabric of our communities and seen everywhere in the region,” Cephas said. “The sudden and tragic loss of the pilot and videographer in the line of service is heartbreaking for everyone, especially so close to the holidays.” Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation celebrates infrastructure grants

(Dec 19, 2023)

Delegation Chairwoman, Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., said these grants will solidify the foundation of city water and sewer utilities to be better prepared in the case of an emergency. Read more


Cephas bill that would facilitate more dental screenings in schools to be signed by Gov. Shapiro

(Dec 14, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 14 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., today announced that Gov. Josh Shapiro will sign her legislation ( H.B. 1478 ) , which facilitates more dental screenings in schools, into law. This is the second bill introduced by Cephas that will have been signed into law in the 2023-24 legislative session. “I’m excited this is becoming a reality for our students. Aside from when they first enter school and in third and seventh grades, many students go unchecked for years,” Cephas said. “This legislation relaxes current law and will allow school districts flexibility to get more students checked and catch potential dental problems while also preventing future issues down the road.” Once signed, H.B. 1478 will allow a public dental hygiene practitioner to perform basic dental screenings in public schools. Currently, a dental exam must be performed by a dentist in Pennsylvania. Poor oral health in children can: Lead to painful infections and cavities. Result in missing more school and lower grades, directly impacting their educational journey. Affect their overall development, speech and eating habits. “Children with poor oral health status were nearly three times more likely than were their counterparts to miss school as a result of dental pain, which further creates an urgency to fill the gaps in our overall dental system,” Cephas Read more


Cephas, Davis laud final passage of Dignity for Incarcerated Women legislation

(Dec 13, 2023)

The bill creates important protections, including restricting shackling and solitary confinement; providing trauma informed care training of corrections officers interacting with pregnant and postpartum women; and providing up to three days of post-delivery bonding time between a mother and newborn child, among other protections. No one should be deprived of respect or be forced to risk their health or the health of their child. Read more


House committee to consider Reproductive Rights Amendment

(Dec 13, 2023)

The bill proposes an amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution that would reaffirm and protect every individual’s right of reproductive liberty with respect to personal, sexual, and reproductive healthcare decisions, including the right to choose or refuse an abortion, the right to choose or refuse contraceptives, and the right to choose or refuse fertility care, without discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or relationship status. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation praises expanded state Child and Dependent Care Enhancement Tax Credit
Feb 15, 2024

In a united front, state reps highlight new Pennsylvania budget priorities
Feb 08, 2024

Philly Dems say boost for SEPTA just one of highlights for city in Shapiro’s budget proposal
Feb 08, 2024

PBMHC applauds Shapiro’s proposals for investments in maternal health care
Feb 07, 2024

Philadelphia House Delegation encouraged by Shapiro Budget Proposal
Feb 07, 2024

Cephas to hold senior heart health event Feb. 10
Feb 05, 2024

Winter 2024 Newsletter
Feb 02, 2024

Philadelphia House Delegation encouraged by public transit funding proposal
Jan 29, 2024

PA Black Maternal Health Caucus recognizes Maternal Health Awareness Day
Jan 23, 2024

House Judiciary approves Cephas/Kenyatta bill to end ‘ghost guns’
Jan 17, 2024

Philadelphia House Delegation commends appointment of Pedro Rosario, first ever Latino deputy police commissioner in the city
Jan 12, 2024

Philadelphia House Delegation celebrates state grants to reduce emissions from high-polluting trucks
Jan 10, 2024

Philadelphia House Delegation congratulates new city leaders
Jan 03, 2024

McClinton, Cephas celebrate $225K in funding for ‘60th Street Spruce Up’
Jan 02, 2024

McClinton, Cephas celebrate $225K in funding for ‘60th Street Spruce Up’
Dec 26, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation sends condolences following Chopper 6 crash
Dec 20, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation celebrates infrastructure grants
Dec 19, 2023

Cephas bill that would facilitate more dental screenings in schools to be signed by Gov. Shapiro
Dec 14, 2023

Cephas, Davis laud final passage of Dignity for Incarcerated Women legislation
Dec 13, 2023

House committee to consider Reproductive Rights Amendment
Dec 13, 2023