Merski bill would shed light on local board decision-making

(Feb 25, 2021)

Merski said H.B. 647 – which would require municipal authorities, boards and other local government bodies to maintain public websites listing board members’ names and other information – would bring greater transparency to the decision-making process. Read more


Frankel lauds plans for vaccine registry, encourages ongoing equity efforts

(Feb 24, 2021)

“The use of a registry system will bring order and transparency to the process, and allow us to clearly see and respond to the communities that need more outreach,” Frankel said. Read more


McNeill: We Must Protect the Sanctity of Unions and Religious Freedom for Pennsylvanians

(Feb 24, 2021)

“Marriage is one of the most important steps two people can take in their lives,” said McNeill. “Sadly, under our current law, couples who have their marriages officiated by a minister ordained online face uncertainty.” Read more


COVID Safety and Recovery in Public Transportation at the center of House Democratic Policy Committee hearing

(Feb 23, 2021)

“The vitality of our public transit systems is important to our commonwealth’s success. People need to get to work safely and on time. It’s also a key factor in business development decisions when companies are making decisions on where to set up shop,” Rep. Bizzarro explained. Read more


O’Mara reappointed to Public Higher Education Funding Commission

(Feb 23, 2021)

The purpose of the commission is to review and make recommendations related to higher education funding, affordability and effectiveness, administration, and operations. Read more


Krajewski introduces legislation to help struggling families stay in their homes

(Feb 22, 2021)

The legislation, which Krajewski introduced with state Reps. Jared Solomon and Morgan Cephas, both D-Phila., would allow a mortgage modification to be finalized in advance of the payment of municipal liens assessed on a property. Current state law requires lien satisfaction before a mortgage modification can be finalized. Read more


Isaacson leads discussion on protecting the Delaware River Basin

(Feb 22, 2021)

Isaacson, who represents the River Wards along the Delaware River from Old Richmond to Queen Village, highlighted the state’s responsibility to fully fund its commitment to the basin. Read more


Miller, Kim to introduce bill extending eligibility for special ed programs during pandemic

(Feb 22, 2021)

“Given the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it would be unconscionable to allow these students to age out of this program without full access to its benefits,” said Miller. “That is why we are introducing this bill, which will allow many to have a little more time due to COVID interruption. It would also permit students who were forced out to re-engage if they so desired.” Read more


House, Senate Democrats call for repairs to hazardous, toxic schools across the commonwealth

(Feb 19, 2021)

The legislators said they are hopeful to gain bipartisan support for the initiative to repair schools statewide. Beyond the clear benefits in creating healthier, safer schools, they point to the potential economic impact from the jobs that would be created as a result of the infrastructure investment. Read more


Ciresi: Pharmacist-administered vaccinations must be covered by health insurers

(Feb 18, 2021)

“Now more than ever, it’s imperative we ensure affordable, potentially life-saving immunizations administered by pharmacists are covered by all health insurers.” Read more


Schlossberg leads discussion on key role paraprofessionals have in Pa. Education services

(Feb 18, 2021)

Rep. Schlossberg said he will continue to advocate for fair, equitable education funding that would provide additional resources for paraprofessional training, acquisition and retention. Read more


Benham introduces legislation aimed at ensuring all Pennsylvanians safeguarded from pandemic debt

(Feb 17, 2021)

“Safeguarding every Pennsylvanian, especially those medically impacted by the pandemic, on top of other economic costs associated with COVID-19 needs to be a top priority,” said Benham. “The people of this commonwealth deserve access to treatment and prevention options that don’t add to, or create any additional financial burden.” Read more


McNeill introduces legislation to address children’s educational disruption during district residency disputes

(Feb 17, 2021)

House Bill 458 seeks to provide protection for children in the event of a residency dispute. Under McNeill’s legislation, a school district would not be permitted to remove a child from school until the dispute has been fully resolved and it has been determined which school district should correctly enroll the child. Read more


Brown, Malagari continue to advocate for hands-free driving law

(Feb 17, 2021)

“Almost every one of Pennsylvania’s neighboring states enacted driver responsibility laws to not allow mobile device use while driving. It’s time that Pennsylvania catches up to make our roadways safer,” said Malagari. Read more


Improving rail, roads, waterways, technology could fuel jobs and public safety efforts

(Feb 17, 2021)

The committee heard testimony and held a roundtable discussion on how implementation of the National Infrastructure Bank would help the state improve broadband access, address transportation needs and invigorate the economy. Read more


Shusterman authors legislation to bolster small businesses, reform state lobbying practices

(Feb 17, 2021)

Shusterman’s H.B. 267 would ensure that early and mid-stage businesses using the Second Stage Loan program create more job opportunities in Pennsylvania, and businesses that receive loan guarantees are not only located in Pennsylvania, but stay in Pennsylvania. Read more


Hughes, Fiedler unveil plan to repair hazardous, toxic public schools across Pa.

(Feb 16, 2021)

Though Philadelphia has been the focal point of the issue, other public schools across Pennsylvania report similar ventilation problems, often in poor school districts without the means to address major capital improvements. Allentown, Scranton, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and many other cities and towns across Pennsylvania, have struggled with asbestos, lead and other toxins in their public school buildings. Read more


Miller, Bullock bill would provide certificate for former inmates to re-enter the workforce

(Feb 12, 2021)

The bill would require every person to receive a reentry certificate after leaving incarceration. The certificate would serve as proof to employers of the person’s achievements in skill development, rehabilitation, education and their readiness for safe reentry. Read more


Let’s work for – not against – women’s health in 2021-22

(Feb 11, 2021)

In the Women’s Health Caucus, we listen to women. We know that whether Republican, Democrat, Independent or other; whether wealthy, poor or middle class; whether residing in the city, the suburbs or rural Pennsylvania; whether young or old; there are real issues affecting women’s free choice, financial well-being and life itself. Read more


Briggs appointed to Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

(Feb 11, 2021)

The mission of PCCD is to enhance quality, coordination and planning within the criminal and juvenile justice systems, to facilitate the delivery of services to victims of crime, and to increase the safety of Pennsylvania communities. Read more


Merski bill would shed light on local board decision-making
Feb 25, 2021

Frankel lauds plans for vaccine registry, encourages ongoing equity efforts
Feb 24, 2021

McNeill: We Must Protect the Sanctity of Unions and Religious Freedom for Pennsylvanians
Feb 24, 2021

COVID Safety and Recovery in Public Transportation at the center of House Democratic Policy Committee hearing
Feb 23, 2021

O’Mara reappointed to Public Higher Education Funding Commission
Feb 23, 2021

Krajewski introduces legislation to help struggling families stay in their homes
Feb 22, 2021

Isaacson leads discussion on protecting the Delaware River Basin
Feb 22, 2021

Miller, Kim to introduce bill extending eligibility for special ed programs during pandemic
Feb 22, 2021

House, Senate Democrats call for repairs to hazardous, toxic schools across the commonwealth
Feb 19, 2021

Ciresi: Pharmacist-administered vaccinations must be covered by health insurers
Feb 18, 2021

Schlossberg leads discussion on key role paraprofessionals have in Pa. Education services
Feb 18, 2021

Benham introduces legislation aimed at ensuring all Pennsylvanians safeguarded from pandemic debt
Feb 17, 2021

McNeill introduces legislation to address children’s educational disruption during district residency disputes
Feb 17, 2021

Brown, Malagari continue to advocate for hands-free driving law
Feb 17, 2021

Improving rail, roads, waterways, technology could fuel jobs and public safety efforts
Feb 17, 2021

Shusterman authors legislation to bolster small businesses, reform state lobbying practices
Feb 17, 2021

Hughes, Fiedler unveil plan to repair hazardous, toxic public schools across Pa.
Feb 16, 2021

Miller, Bullock bill would provide certificate for former inmates to re-enter the workforce
Feb 12, 2021

Let’s work for – not against – women’s health in 2021-22
Feb 11, 2021

Briggs appointed to Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
Feb 11, 2021